
Pre-Debate, Restless Romney

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/03/2012 5:05:00 pm PDT

re: #174 researchok


The article however goes beyond that.

I don’t see anywhere that it does, no. It does perpetuate many of the myths and pieces of disinformation that I’ve seen spread elsewhere though. Typical would be this part right here:

While excellent literature, however, Silent Spring was very poor science. Carson claimed that DDT was threatening many avian species with imminent extinction. Her evidence for this, however, was anecdotal and unfounded. In fact, during the period of widespread DDT use preceding the publication of Silent Spring, bird populations in the United States increased significantly, probably as a result of the pesticide’s suppression of their insect disease vectors and parasites.

Carson rightly showed that specific avian species, mostly the ones that eat fish from waterways, were being affected by DDT. This has been proved to be true. The article stupidly, and rather obviously, talks about all bird populations, when DDT only affected a certain subpopulation. it’s a classic bait-and-switch tactic used in propaganda.

By the way, it looks like the author of that piece is Robert Zubrin, a global warming denier. Why are you looking to him for science? He’s one of those “CO2 is good for plants” fucking morons. He even thinks all global warming is good.

Why is this guy someone you trust for science?