
Something Scary for Halloween Night: SHHH

Internet Tough Guy11/01/2013 6:13:11 am PDT
It’s hard to make any parallels between China and the States. The working class in the USA has unemployment insurance, workman’s comp, AFDC, WIC, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid to fall back on when things go bad. There’s no such thing for the majority of people in China. The safety net of the elderly is their children and grandchildren. So, the working class in China is juggling several balls in the air at once: saving for a home, for a car, for their kid’s schooling (education is not free here), for their family’s medical care, and trying to save money for emergencies. They are well aware of the profligate spending of the leaders and business elite, and there is a lot of resentment.

Worst communist party ever.