
Who's Behind the GoFundMe Crowd-Funding Pages for Darren Wilson?

Rightwingconspirator8/23/2014 9:46:32 am PDT

Well off topic…
Photographer Accused of Posting ‘Pornographic’ Photos of His 2-Year-Old, Here’s How He Responded

The public backlash of the images brought a hailstorm of critics who called them “perverse,” “sick” and “pornographic.” Specifically, a group from the website Get Off My Internets began verbally attacking Neumann for publishing these images after a forum thread drew more attention to the photos than he had ever anticipated.

Before long, members of the site sent out a plethora of complaints to both Facebook and Instagram and managed to get Neumann’s profiles suspended. Eventually reinstated, it was the broad criticism of both him and his daughter and the suspension of his accounts that lead Neumann to realize this was a matter of freedom of expression and the freedom of speech.

I did not copy in the most potentially controversial pics. The link provides. I think this guy got screwed by trolls online. Or are we in a place so overbearing that bath and other moments of innocent nudity by a child can’t be shared? In my view none of that is porn. Of course there are child predators that are aroused by the sight of children in almost any pose. Are we supposed to adjust our sensibilities by such a twisted and unhealthy standard? But hey take a look and tell me if you think any of that was child porn instead of innocence.