
Some Words on the Sentencing of Barrett Brown

unproven innocence1/22/2015 4:17:19 pm PST

Appropriate for this thread, I think:
Password sharing considered a felony under proposed hacking laws
Posted by: Jon Ben-Mayor on 01/22/2015

Imagine that by simply giving your child the Netflix password could land you in federal prison for 10 years - let that sink in for a minute - at this point in my life I would have been convicted of this very thing at least 20 times and that is only this week; the young woman child of the house can’t seem to remember a password to save her life and is constantly screeching for it.

Or how about compounding that with the federal bread and butter charge of RICO; the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act which is now also being intertwined with computer fraud. [snip]