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Teddy's Person2/10/2019 8:28:43 am PST

I seems there are a lot of rats willing to go down with the ship. Speaking of rats, Rudy’s been quiet lately (unless I’ve missed something). Is Dershowitz now Trump’s go to TV lawyer?

In an interview on ABC’s This Week, Dershowitz claimed that AMI had a First Amendment right to threaten to publish nude photographs of Bezos if he did not drop an investigation into their “catch and kill” business practices.

“The First Amendment needs breathing room,” Dershowitz argued. “This is a fight between two media moguls. There was a negotiation. It was a tough negotiation. I’m certainly not here to defend the journalistic ethics of The National Enquirer, but the First Amendment doesn’t distinguish between The Washington Post, ABC News and The National Enquirer.

“I have been practicing law for over 50 years and I have never seen an extortion come in the form of a lawyer,” the law professor added. “You don’t get extortion by mail.”

“Yeah, but the fact that American Media is a media entity does not immunize them from the types of crimes we’re talking about here,” Abrams pointed out.