
Seth Meyers: Trump Claims He's Never Read "Mein Kampf" After Quoting Hitler, Praising Putin

cat-tikvah12/22/2023 10:22:14 am PST

re: #182 Jay C

Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Inquirer wrote an article on the topic:

Personally, this is more like “You’re with us or against us, and if you’re not 100% with us you’re against us.” Politics requires compromises.
And as for “but he aligned himself with Bernie!!!!!” remind me how much legislation, progressive or otherwise, that Bernie has introduced and gotten passed.
It is hard to understand when you’re idealistic. I will be thinking of positive reasons to vote for Democrats when I canvass in 2024. It’s important to know where people are and validate their view if you want them to consider changing it.
But sure, let’s sit this one out…arghgggggg. “Earn my vote!”