
Take a Ride on the Hudna-Go-Round

Former Belgian1/17/2009 12:50:08 pm PST

re: #186 alegrias

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We supposedly kicked Saddam Hussein’s ass in the first Gulf War but because we left an arab despot alive, Saddam Hussein claimed VICTORY and to islamists & jihadists, stayin’ alive IS victory. They’re like viruses—such low forms of life!

Saddam Hussein built himself many Victory Over America memorials. I saw footage of one that our troops bombed while it was still under construction.

Despotic terrorists must be seen to lose, and have it done publicly. Terrorists must be humiliated.

President Bush is laughed at by our enemies in part because he did NOT bring Osama’s head on a spike, but let him live.

ײַIn the Arab world, as long as you are left standing alive you can declare yourself the winner, even if all you’ve got left is two goats.