
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Achilles Tang2/26/2009 6:01:19 pm PST

re: #163 jaunte

It’s not such a big jump from that kind of thinking to doing away with medical research, because trying to cure illnesses would be against the Intent.

We know where we would be if intellectual parasites like this were the norm. We sure as hell would be sitting here communicating like this. If god had meant us to communicate without speaking face to face, we would all have been given ESP (and we would all be New Age hippies living in yurts to boot).

What really pisses me off with this mindlessness is the ease with which pain and suffering can be not only justified, but directed against others. This pretend Phd probably couldn’t get a job anywhere except where she is; and I can just imagine her 5 year old mentaly abused daughter being told that if she wets her bed once more god may blind her through brain cancer.