
Overnight Open Thread

zombie3/23/2009 12:48:52 am PDT

A little glimpse in to another mindset:

Assata Shakur (Tupac’s Aunt) says:

“Lovelle Mixon: Oakland Police Shooter Kills 3 PIGS”

Here commenters add:

“Can anyone guess how many innocent Black men were cut down by Oakland PD over a five year span? A dozen. I have no remorse for those cops knowing Black people have been murdered by OPD, and rarely was justice appropriated on behalf of the victims and their families. Moreover, it’s likely the pigs who got canceled probably maimed, framed, or killed a brother on the street at some point and time in their career.

Pigs who kill innocent, unarmed civilians often keep their jobs while the victims are dead and buried and their grieving families get nothing but a lifetime of misery and heartache.

No tears no remorse for OPD…..NONE.”


“I lived in Oakland during the early 90s. Pigs were notorious up until the April 27 (Rodney King) Rebellions, when the Uhuru Movement led the country’s only organized uprising. LPO Chairman Biko Lumumba (RIP) led all action that day; as LPO secretary and NPDUM sec I played a key role in rumble, yet it must be stated that the masses carried the day. In the weeks and months following the uprising, the pigs were backed up against the wall.

While this brother may have had absolutely no revolutionary aspirations, he had the spirit of resistance. When you take into account the class peace which existed in Oakland up to the Oscar Grant execution, we have to view Lovelle Mixon’s actions in this context. Some people who walk in fear will attempt to terrorize the masses with their personal fear of the pigs, that the pigs will retaliate and make life harder for Africans….”

Etc., etc.

If you know where to look, there are hundreds of blogs with similar sentiments.

Welcome to my world.