
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

Desert Dog4/29/2009 12:54:26 pm PDT

re: #44 Russkilitlover

Being labelled the “party of no” is a simplistic, effective mantra for the left but I agree it’s not a solution to much of anything. But neither is this…..

Republicans DO need to craft a plan that they can rally around. Compromising our way to socialism, however, is not a plan.

That is for sure. If you look at the Dems, they were NOTHING but the party that said no, No and NO to everything Bush did for 8 years. Yet, they are now in power.

The Republicans do need to grab our ears and pull our collective heads out of you know where and start coming up with something positive to counter the left. But, Obama won with sheer personality not on substantive policy. The HopeyChange platform was long on rhetoric and short on details. Well, it’s not short now, he wants to turn the USA into Europe! He offers the same old worn out useless drivel the liberals (now called Progressives) have offered up since the 1960’s.

What is positive about any of their platform? Punish the ones creating wealth and jobs and give it to the ones not creating wealth and jobs, that is positive?. Taking over entire sectors of our economy and replacing it with benevolent government bureaucrats, that is positive? Tossing aside the way every President for the past 50 years has dealt with scumbag dictators, so people will “like us more”? PLLLLEEEAASSEEE

Obama will help the right get back when all of his plans ram this country into an iceberg. In the meantime, the right needs to get a set platform and policy and repeat it over and over and over, like a drumbeat, so everyone knows what we stand for…..