
NPR: Maj. Hasan 'Freaked Out' Other Doctors at Walter Reed

enoughalready11/06/2009 1:28:44 pm PST

re: #169 Guanxi88

I thnk you’ll find that atheism was an official doctrinal plank of Soviet communism, and was pursued most aggressively wherever possible. This explains the absolute destruction of the Church in the early days of the Bolshevik Revolution, a pattern common to revolutionaries of the twentieth century.

And the war with the Reich? Hitler started that one.

1: my point exactly. Communism leads to atheism (or at least it forces religion underground), NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
There is this idiotic notion that since communists are atheists therefore all atheists must be communists. (The old “since all sprockets are widgets, all widgets must be sprockets”)
2: I am well aware of that. Which was sort of why I pointed it out.