
Creationist Dentist Gets the Boot

The Shadow Do3/03/2010 7:25:02 pm PST

re: #149 avanti

They won’t be concerned because they’re heard “All we want is a up or down vote” by the GOP for the last few years. To be honest, blocking a vote by filibuster is way over used by both sides.

Not really. For example, the “Gang of Seven” was created to preserve the process. It was apolitical in the sense that it was a defense of institutional precedent and supported by a fews opposition members in recognition of same.

Once broken, both sides will grow to regret this “straight up or down business”. It is a check on power lost - permanently. This is not good, no matter which side of the aisle you choose to affiliate with. Just as surely as you may be happy today, you will be chagrined tomorrow.