
Tim Blair, Investigative Reporter

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines4/27/2010 12:07:41 pm PDT

I’ve been fascinated by what appears to be a tentative approach by the far left to the tea party movement. During the past two weeks, Noam Chomsky, Bill Ayers, and Code Pink have all had positive or conciliatory statements about the Tea Party movement. They especially share many positions with the Paulian wing of the far right, especially in foreign policy, attitudes toward law enforcement, and (increasingly) in rabid ODS.
I wonder if the TPers are blinded by their own rhetoric and therefore susceptible to this re-packaged moonbattery. Since they consider Obama, Clinton, and Biden to be Marxists, socialists and enemies of capitalism, they would appear not to even have the terms to recognize the actual extreme left. As a nominal associate of Obama in TP minds, Ayers is an exception but how many TPers are aware of Chomsky or even Code Pink and International ANSWER?. Could the tea party movement be co-opted by the far left? Probably not, but many far left groups, especially anarchists, could easily attach themselves to the tea parties.