
Video: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Visits Occupy Wall Street

Guanxi8811/04/2011 5:39:09 pm PDT

re: #182 Obdicut

Oh, mindless California-bashing. Never mind.

It’s cool that you like Texas. I’m glad you’re happy there.

If you do visit the real California, rather than the bizzarro parody version where patchouli-stinking snipers shoot cigarettes out of the mouths of hapless long-haul truckers, check out The Oaks Smokes, a really cool tobacco place that a friend of mine used to work at. They have everything, and what they don’t have, they’ll get for you.

There are no snipers in Cali. You folk are disarmed.

And yes, I was needlessly bashing your beloved former home state. Primarily to tweak the nose of one from whom I haven’t heard in a while, and to have a bit of fun at the expense of the sunshine state.