
Video: Glenn Beck Yearns for Civil War

Lidane1/16/2013 6:25:44 am PST

So I encountered a Sandy Hook truther on FB. Here are a few excerpts from our conversation, names removed:

Her: Watch the video and do the research, those grieving parents (none of which shed an actual tear) are actors

Me: I’ll take the word of the parents who buried their kids. It happened, and denying it or buying into some anti-gun conspiracy is an insult to those kids who died and is beneath contempt.

Her: Can you prove it? gUess we are on opposite sides of the fence I’m very conservative and you appear to be very liberal.

Her: Let me guess…you voted for obama

Me: What does voting have with anything? 20 kids were murdered by a crazy guy. It happened. It was real. I suppose next you’re going to tell me that only liberals believe that the Earth is round or that we landed on the moon. Political slant has nothing to do with the objective fact that those kids died. You have to be a special level of paranoid or stupid to think it’s a hoax.

Her: You have to be a special level or paranoid or stupid to beleive everything you hear or see on tv

Her: you also have to be a new level of idiotic to support the current administration and all their antics

Her: want to argue politics? bring it on…you will lose!

Her: Prove to me that it happened Also, voting for the current potus shows you buy into all sorts of baloney

Her: Can you tell me why the person that was intervied as the school nurse doesn’t show up as a licensed nurse in CT

Her: [mutual FB friend’s name]- so sorry for this rant on your wall

Her: please take the time to research the topic for yourself.

Me: So you seriously don’t think it happened? You think it was all staged? Wow. I mean, you’re arguing against reality for political reasons. I can’t fathom that at all. Forget politics. We aren’t even starting from the same version of reality. That’s a much bigger hurdle. You might as well say the sky is magenta and water is dry.

Her: Not after reading and researching I put nothing past the current administration. Why don’t you research it and get back to me. Believe me when I say I take politics very seriously, I stay informed and am well read in the subject. While you’re doing research on sandy hook. Take a little deeper look at our prez. You may be sickened by what you find.

And there were a couple of other people in the thread who swore it was a case of “wag the dog” and that the videos they’ve seen raise doubts about the shootings happening at all, or about the events as they unfolded.

This is insane. These people think they’re educated and informed. They think that it’s a political hoax by the Obama administration. WTF.