
CNET: No Evidence of NSA 'Direct Access' to Tech Companies

Amory Blaine6/08/2013 10:40:12 am PDT

Dale Schultz, GOP Wisconsin State Senator, Calls Own Party ‘Way Too Extreme’

A Republican state senator in Wisconsin slammed his own party as “extreme” and compared its decision-making to that of Russian President Vladimir Putin in a recent radio interview.

Speaking on the “Joy Cardin Show” on Wisconsin Public Radio Thursday, state Sen. Dale Schultz (R-Richland Center) criticized the late-night legislating that led to the final passage of the state budget, specifically the “10 hours of secret negotiations among majority Republicans,” where lawmakers discussed school vouchers, income tax breaks and public school funding.

“Look, I think that things have gotten way too extreme and out of hand, and when we start taking important policy issues about whether or not we’re going to have bounty hunters in Wisconsin and throwing them in — in the middle of the night — without any transparency, public discussion, or analysis, I think we have a problem,” Schultz said.