
Hilarious! Bad Lip Reading Remixes "Game of Thrones"

EPR-radar10/16/2013 2:49:17 pm PDT

Incredible variety at the NRO today. It’s like a well-stocked terrarium of all manner of political thought. Here we have the True Believer (tm).

You can repeat mindless mantras to mellow yourself out all you want, Jonah. I’m furious, not at the Defund ObamaCare effort—which, despite all the overblown hysteria from both Dems and GOP shills alike, IS actually our last opportunity to stop it. I’m furious that so many in Congress and in the conservative media don’t care about ordinary Americans and the effect this will have on their lives. It will DESTROY people’s access to health care; and as a result there will be people who die. Cruz, Lee, Paul and their frightened pale ghost, Rubio, ARE telling the truth about that. Despite all the massive problems with ObamaCare, it won’t be repealed, and it will embed itself into our economy now. So, “moving on” might soothe you, but the truth is, AMERICANS will be left to pick up the shreds of their lives once it hits them and they get sick and DIE because they either cannot afford health care, or they opt to risk not having it due to the costs mandated in ObamaCare. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS. We are forever indebted to Cruz and Lee for having the courage to stand up against it; even if they failed, they TRIED. I have a fury toward those who have undermined them, covertly and overtly.