
Gingrich Now Blames MSNBC for Right Wing Backlash Over Mandela

sagehen12/09/2013 2:49:39 pm PST

re: #133 RadicalModerate

The only issue that I have with this is the way that they are defining poverty.

Since the US has by far the greatest concentration of money on the planet, the per-person median is also seriously skewed. The last reported figure for the US was over $50,000 per household (down a few thousand from the highpoint in 2000).

Median isn’t average — concentrating the money all at one end could give a misleading average, but not median. Median is half the people make more, half the people make less.

(walmart employees earn an average of $12.50/hour!! Because there’s four Waltons taking home over a billion a year each. Walmart employees’ median pay is less than $9/hr.)