
Monday Night Jam: Los Lobos, "La Venganza De Los Pelados"

Mattand7/29/2014 7:27:00 am PDT

re: #162 Lidane

The Clinton impeachment was inevitable. With all the time and money the GOP spent on obsessively digging up dirt on Clinton, they were going to find a reason, no matter how flimsy, to impeach him. As it turned out, impeaching him made him more popular, not less. Even back then people saw through the impeachment for what it was.

If the GOP is stupid enough to impeach Obama now, they might as well just give up on being a relevant party. We would have two Democratic presidents impeached in the last 20 years, and entirely for a political vendetta. It would show how craven the Republicans really are now.

This is not true.

Since the ‘94 midterms, Republicans have accomplished the following:

• Two government shutdowns
• One impeachment, with a second being a real possibility
• Started a unnecessary war in Iraq that has massively destabilized the region
• Destroyed the economy by trying to fight two wars while cutting taxes
• Literally stopped working because a black man has been elected POTUS twice

And how have they been punished for their cravenness? By constantly being elected/re-elected to office. FFS, they essentially had control of all three branches of government from 2001 to 2007.

I’m sorry, I’m just tired of hearing how the GOP is Whigging out.

Because it ain’t going to happen.

Because a good chunk of Americans are too stupid or too idealogical to see how fucking crazy this party has been behaving since 1992.

I mean, look at the GOP now: unapologetic racism; guns; Bible trumps all; rape is not a big deal; women are second class citizens when it comes to their healthcare.

And every. Fucking. Prediction. Has them gaining even more power.

We need to dispense with the whole “GOP is heading towards irrelevancy” meme. It will not, and will never, happen, because the American people do not have the acumen to look at a group of people fucking over their nation and say “Ya know, having batshit crazy zealots run the country is a bad, bad idea.