
Donald Trump Uses Memorial Day as an Opportunity to Boast and Say How Much Fallen Soldiers Would Admire Him

teleskiguy5/28/2018 3:48:50 pm PDT

re: #156 teleskiguy

Dude below me of 28 and I got in a little chat at set break about music and whatnot, and I made a jab about Fuckface Von Clownstick and he told me “you do know voting doesn’t matter.” “Yes it does.” “No it doesn’t, the whole system is corrupt.”

“We’re done here. Have a nice night,” was what I said to him.

His girlfriend now follows me on Twitter. It’s padlocked so I can’t post the tweet here, but she tweeted this morning

Met my hero tonight @teleskiguy

I sure as hell don’t wear a cape. *snark*