
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Diphthong

Odie Hugh Manatee10/31/2018 2:56:21 am PDT

One more thing I mentioned to my Trumphumping neighbor was that the MAGA crap pisses me off. I knew this would make him happy and sure enough he smiled and asked me why. I quickly wiped that smile off of his face and it was one of the things that we talked about that he had no rebuttal for.

I told him that the Make America Great Again slogan is bullshit because our country has never stopped being great and it’s bullshit that any American who loves their country would even say something like that. Ever since WWII we have been THE country that much of the world has admired, THE economic powerhouse, THE military powerhouse… you name it, we have dominated it. Not only that, but we have spread that greatness in many ways in assisting other nations and their citizens. Then here comes this orange asshole and his party telling us that we’re not great any more and that only they can make us great again. MAGA is a bullshit slogan because to embrace it you have to believe that America isn’t the greatest nation in the world, which is a lie.

Seeing the smile disappear from his face was a true pleasure and the fact that he had no comeback to it just shows that MAGA really is bullshit.