
Esquire: McCarthyism 2.0? The Right's Battle with ACORN

austin_blue1/05/2010 7:15:15 pm PST

re: #160 mich-again

They forgot the part about voter registration drives that were lets just say “problematic”. Nothing is more un-American than tampering with our free elections and there is plenty of evidence that Acorn employees were engaged in doing just by means of their outrageous voter registration drives. ACORN’s reputation is forever ruined and to me that group will always be synonomous with fraud. They taunted the dog on the other side of the fence and now they can’t figure out why that dog always snarls at them.

Too bad you drank the Kool-aid. Numerous organizations were involved in voter registration. Unfortunately, you believed that collecting voter registration cards is the same as voter fraud. You misunderstand the process. Once the cards are collected, it is the job of the Registrar to determine if the submitted cards are legitimate, not the collectors. If fraud occurred, it was at the Registrar’s office, not at the collection level. ACORN did not work in the Registrars’ offices in the various districts where they collected cards.

Sorry if that harshes your mellow.