
Senate Republicans Block Repeal of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

Fozzie Bear9/21/2010 5:33:19 pm PDT

re: #190 RogueOne

There seems to be a lot of excuse making going on in this thread. 5 months ago the house was able to get a few members of the republican party to vote to repeal DADT so why couldn’t the Senate? If Dems wanted DADT to pass they would have brought it up in a separate bill but they didn’t because they’re more interested in a desperate attempt to drum up support before an election where they’re about to take a beating.

Attaching the Dream Act to a defense bill? Puh-lease. Even Lugar, an incredibly moderate co-signer of the bill couldn’t vote for this defense budget. What a waste. Granted, repubs aren’t going out of their way to be helpful but don’t give the dems a pass for not getting shit accomplished when they absolutely could.

Incidentally for those that don’t know, this bill wouldn’t have repealed DADT today. According to Reid it would have gone into effect “if the president, the secretary of defense and the Joint Chiefs chairman certify that an internal study concluded that repeal would not adversely impact troop readiness or morale.”


because it was filibustered before it could be voted upon. There’s your answer. It’s the sort of unequivocal answer that lays the responsibility of not being voted upon solely and completely at the feet of republicans.