
GOP Clown Car Arrives in Florida, Rinse, Repeat, Thread 2

darthstar1/26/2012 6:44:18 pm PST

Rasmussen poll questions:

First question: Right Direction.
Second - Approval of Obama - strongly approve
Man / woman - man
age - 40-49
Ethnicity - white
often do you vote - all the time
party affiliation voting:
Romney v Obama - I chose Obama
Newt v Obama - I chose Obama
Repub v Democrat - I chose Democrat
National Security, Economy, Domestic, Culture, Fiscal - most important issue (I chose economy)
Is Obama Liberal - moderate (but accidentally chose liberal…oops)
Is Biden liberal - moderate
Sotu - did I watch? Yes.
wEALTHY pay fair share in taxes - I said no.
Favor wealthy tax increase - I said yes
Prevent 30% tax cap (including state and local) - I said no
Will taxes help economy - I said yes
Personal position - are you conservative, liberal, etc.
Issues in the news:(choose dem or rep for who you trust)
1. Ethics - D
2. Taxes - D
3. Healthcare - D
4. Social Security - D
5. Education -D
salary - under 20, 40, 60,75, 100, or over 100 - over 100
kids - none
Party trust on security - D
is federal gov’t special interest group? - Yes
Do gov’t and business work together to hurt people. - Yes

There it is…my first Rasmussen poll with answers.