
Human-Toad Hybrid Dick Morris Dropped by Fox

Mattand2/06/2013 6:10:19 am PST

re: #191 lawhawk

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. Woke up to find that Morris was released from Fox news. Yes, Dick, your services are no longer warranted.

Can’t imagine why. Maybe being so incredibly wrong in your projections and prognostication was finally hitting home with the Fox News higher ups who realized that being that wrong could be bad for business.

Then again, they’ll probably replace him with someone who’s younger, shinier, and has great gams. That’s the Fox way.

In any event, it’s no great loss for me since I haven’t watched Fox News in years, except to watch the excerpts of their stupendously wrong predictions.

That’s one of the myriad things I don’t get about Fox News. Somewhere, someone must have known that all of the “promote only the polls that show Romney winning” was a bad idea. But that conflicts with Fox’s primary purpose: rake in tons of ad money by promoting the conservative POV as “news.”

So they bring on idiots like Morris, Palin, et. al., to relentless cheerlead and then ditch them when reality sets in. I mean, it’s not like they’re going to replace them with people who are more rational. Eric Erickson’s recent hire is a prime example of that.

I guess at the end of the day, you won’t go broke selling this fantasy world Fox has concocted to conservatives who, over the last 20 years or so, have had their heads in the sand.

I guess if people keep supporting a political party that fights evolution, ignores Constitutional law like Roe v Wade, and worships guns like Jesus, they don’t really care about how messed up their only “news” source is.