
Possibly the Craziest Right Wing Video You'll See Today, Starring Glenn Beck

lawhawk6/04/2013 12:52:59 pm PDT

TIGTA report finds improper spending at the IRS:

The Internal Revenue Service spent about $49 million on 225 conferences between fiscal year 2010 and 2012, much of which was related to inappropriate expenditures, according to a Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration report released June 4 by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

The report focuses on an August 2010 conference in Anaheim, Calif., for Small Business/Self-Employed Division managers, where IRS spent $4.1 million dollars for 2,600 people. TIGTA focused on the Anaheim conference because “it was the most expensive conference during the three-year period and because TIGTA received an allegation of excessive spending at that event,” the report said.

Approximately $3.2 million intended to hire additional IRS enforcement personnel was used to help fund the conference, TIGTA said.

Priorities are completely screwed up when you’re spending millions on a conference (when the costs could have been better controlled), and use the balance to hire enforcement personnel. It’s a lack of oversight - at the IRS and Treasury Department.