
Tea Party Speaker at Anti-Immigrant Rally: "You Can't Breed Secretariat to a Donkey and Win the Kentucky Derby"

piratedan7/16/2013 10:13:02 pm PDT

what is scary about this are all of the parallels….

A group of power brokers, painfully aware that history and demographics are against them. Doing everything they can to sabotage the agenda of a duly elected Presidency by effectively withholding the purse, refusing to seat his chosen administrators and plainly negotiating in bad faith for purely partisan reasons. Willing to break the government and the country itself in order to satisfy their own ideological needs.

An opposition party that is itself in transition, old guard dudes like Levin and Baucus who are so mired in the minutia of the rules and protocols that they continually enable the enfant terrible that is the Tea Party by giving them the needed cover to allow the media to distort what is actually going on in the Senate.

A sensationalist media that is less concerned with facts than they are revenue

These people on the Right, want a conflict, because conflict will amp up the fear which will drive more folks into their clutches. The very fear that they’ve been selling for decades, be it a woman, a youth or an other, regardless of race creed or rligion, they’re a one-stop hate shop. They think that there enough “patriots/paytriots” within and without the Military to restore some theological feudal fantasyland circa 1850/1950 where everyone goes to church, girls don’t go all the way until they’re married and black people and brown people should be living on that other side of town. The scary thing is, I’m not sure that they don’t have enough true believers that would fall in with them.

Something that has been attributed to Sinclair Lewis rings true here “When Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the Flag and carrying a cross”.

Damn if the signs aren’t there, how do we expose this fanaticism for what it is? Means that we all have to push back against this idiocy and extremism every day instead of staying silent. Too many of us have been silent too long. This blog is a great way for us to stay connected and to keep pushing back, knowing that we’re not fighting alone.