
Watch Live as Deluded Liberals Join Hands With Far Right Loons

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)10/26/2013 12:35:02 pm PDT

re: #168 thedopefishlives

Afternoon Lizardim from the beautifully clear and mild wild north country. The fishfolk visit has been going well; this morning’s task was some more repairs to the Mafiamobile, some of which were successful and some less so. This afternoon, we’re carving pumpkins with the fishspawn and I will do my best impression of beer-battered fried chicken for dinner. How go things among the lizardfolk?

Ran errands and opted to pick up a turquoise Ikea shelf unit. Cats supervised assembly and also approve of the packing materials*. Now tastefully arranged below the counter between the kitchen and living room and serving as storage and cat cubby hole.

* - Box to hide in. Cardboard spacers to claw. This plastic fabric to claw and haul about. And pieces edged with protective tape that the cats are “fighting” with — including an 8” long piece getting stuck to a cat’s underbelly and triggering her running about the apartment in panic doing the cat equivalent of yelling “Get it off! GET IT OFF!”