
Anchor Spokesmodels Rebel at Russia Today: "It Makes Me Feel Sick That I Worked There"

EPR-radar3/05/2014 6:54:50 pm PST

re: #191 Rev_Arthur_Belling

Me either, but for added schadenfreude, I recommend reading this piece by Roy Edroso addressing some bitbro’s rallying cry after Mt.Gox went under.

These folks (Bitbros) are delusional. The comments at the link are also pretty hilarious, even coming up with new names for the currency, like “Douchemarks.” Heh.

Bitcoins are a simple enough scam. Early adopters of bitcoins stand to make out like bandits if bitcoins end up in widespread use. All bitcoin hype is thus explained in terms of self interest on the part of get-rich-quick schemers.