
Fox's Bergdahl Jihadi Story: "Secret Docs Based on a Purported Eyewitness" Supplied by a Shady Right Wing Group

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam6/05/2014 11:37:54 pm PDT

re: #190 Ding-an-sich Wannabe

Haha! My dad had the Herb Alpert LP. Here’s a bit of trivia about the cover shot, from Wikipedia.

Whipped Cream & Other Delights sold over 6 million copies in the United States and the album cover alone is considered a classic pop culture icon. It featured model Dolores Erickson wearing chiffon and shaving cream. The picture was taken at a time when Erickson was three months pregnant. The album cover was so popular with Alpert fans that, during concerts, when about to play the song “Whipped Cream”, Alpert would tell the audience, “Sorry, we can’t play the cover for you!”

And from Dolores Erickson’s wiki:

Alpert and Jerry Moss, his business partner in A&M records, were originally not impressed with the sketches of the cover but they agreed to it. The photo shoot was done in one afternoon with Erickson covered with shaving cream with a dollop of whipped cream on her head. Erickson was three months pregnant at the time of the photo shoot, which could have increased her bust size, although she felt that there had been no visible change. As the shoot progressed, the shaving cream began to slide down her breasts slightly. Whorf had taken a couple pictures of this and sent the proofs, along with numerous other shots, to Erickson for her portfolio.[2] When she saw the more risqu pictures, she took them over to a girlfriend’s house and hid them behind her refrigerator because she didn’t want her husband to find them.[3] Initially, Alpert felt an image like that “was maybe pushing it a little too far…I thought the censors would be down on it. But in 2006 it looks pretty darn tame.”[4]

Alpert is now 79. Erickson, 77. Time flies, don’t it?

I remember Pat Cooper, too, but never had any of his albums. He was born Pascuale Caputo in 1929. Still alive and kickin’. He appeared in Analyze This and Analyze That.