
Michele Bachmann: Too Crazy for Fox's Neil Cavuto

blueraven6/25/2014 4:36:25 pm PDT

re: #174 MomSense

I don’t think this has anything to do with Hillary or Obama. This is about fundraising period.

They will use this bogus lawsuit to gain names (future donors) and donors to raise money for the midterms. Watch, you will see all the fundraising emails asking people to sign on if they support Boehner’s lawsuit to rein in the lawless Obama. The people who sign will then receive endless fundraising requests through the Nov. elections.

That is all this is. So what I suggest is we ask our “journalists” to ask Boehner, Priebus, and the rest of the Republicans if they will pledge not to do any fundraising whatsoever around this lawsuit.

I think it is an appeal to the base as you suggest, but also a way for Boehner to appease the t-party types in The House in lieu of the impeachment proceedings they seek.

He knows damn well that would be political suicide, but this “lawsuit” might quell their appetite, for a while at least.