
Hilarious! CNN Guests Gravely Analyze "ISIS Flag" at London Pride Parade (Psst: It's a Dildo Flag)

BeachDem6/27/2015 6:06:02 pm PDT

re: #157 ObserverArt

I understand. I also know that it could be released by another paper or media outlet. I would just like to know if it was actually printed in the Dispatch.

I am pretty sure BeachDem can back me on my surprise. I subscribed to the Dispatch since the late 70s. I dropped them back in early 2012 because they were really getting worse about their Republican only thinking.

I mean, this is a paper that picked up Michelle Malkin, Thomas Sowell, Ross Douthat and others like that. It absolutely killed them to ever pick up a left-leaning editorial.

Oh yeah, I’ll definitely back you on the Dispatch being right-leaning—The paper’s last endorsement of a Democrat as a Presidential candidate, was for the re-election of Woodrow Wilson in 1916.

I found this interesting article about the Wolfe history—it was like a stroll down memory lane with Gene D’Angelo stories etc. (brought back some great parties at the Wigwam back in the days!)

Oops—forgot the link
I didn’t know this— from wiki On June 16, 2015, the Dispatch ceased to be the last major family-owned newspaper in the United States when it was purchased by the New Media Investment Group. Wonder if that will change things.