
Thursday Night Jam: Becca Stevens Band, "Imperfect Animals"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/22/2016 9:10:49 am PST
Shlomo-Bergblatstein • 11 minutes ago
NRO has my thanks for standing up for real conservative principles and defending them from a hostile working class White base. This country could be 100% non White tomorrow but as long as we stick to the constitution and conservative principles like defending Israel and defending big business’s right to export American jobs to Pakistan and China we will be fine. America is an abstract set of ideas principles that are just as universal to African bushmen as they are descendants of Jamestown settlers. Appealing to shared heritage and blood and soil is inherently left wing and I honestly would rather vote for Hillary then Trump. I don’t to conserve anything “White” thank you very much I’m not a leftist nazi.

And let’s not get into Trumps snubbing Bibi. The man should be on trial for warcrimes for that one.

Surely this has to be librul plant, no?

Well, here is the sole reply, by someone taged as a “moderator”:

Forum Defense Team nro Shlomo-Bergblatstein • 13 minutes ago

That’s right, the moderator thinks the racist rants is just “spam”.