
Genius! Jazz Standard "Autumn Leaves" Played in the Styles of 10 Classical Composers

Dr. Matt10/17/2022 9:35:30 am PDT

Trump’s company charged Secret Service ‘exorbitant’ hotel rates to protect the first family, House committee report says

This is what “draining the swamp” looks like?

The Trump Organization charged the Secret Service “exorbitant rates” - upwards of $1.4 million over four years - to protect the former President and his family at properties they owned, according to documents released by the House Oversight Committee on Monday.

The committee found that the Trump Organization charged the Secret Service “excessive nightly rates on dozens of trips” as high as $1,185 per night despite claims by the former President’s company that federal employees traveling with him would stay at those properties “for free” or “at cost.”