
Video: Rep. Mike Castle vs. the Nirthers

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All7/20/2009 12:24:08 pm PDT

And then, you read about stuff like this:

One month earlier, Rush Limbaugh made the same remark on his radio show. “Barack Obama has one thing in common with God,” Limbaugh said. “Know what it is? God does not have a birth certificate either.” And Limbaugh may not have been writing his own material, either. At Patriot Depot, a conservative web site that sells books by Glenn Beck and signs designed for anti-tax Tea Parties, buyers can pay $10 to get two bumper stickers that read: “Obama & God Have ONLY ONE THING in Common: NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE! The Difference Is God Doesn’t Think He’s Obama!”According to a salesman for Patriot Depot, the company has sold “hundreds” of this and another birth certificate sticker since advertising them with the conservative opinion sites and

You wonder if the Republican Party will ever be able to get rid of the taint. If anyone is up for making a third party that is center right and fairly libertarian, sign me up.

I’d say the nutcases are immaterial, but I think at some point someone is going to take some potshots at Obama, and all the enablers are going to sit and say, ‘but it wasn’t us who made him do it’ and proclaim their innocence while their objectives are accomplished (If you want a recent example, just look at the murder of George Tiller and the reaction by Operation Rescue and their plans to buy George Tiller’s clinic after his murder).