
Video: Birth of a Climate Denier Talking Point

Mich-again10/07/2009 9:32:01 pm PDT

re: #152 Charles

I have to be honest — the GOP has completely lost me.

The USA’s political system is designed around the concept of a two-party system. (see: Constitutional tiebreakers) So to completely abandon either major party is to essentially pledge loyalty to the other. I say any point of view has more leverage sitting on the fence to wait and see than by pledging any loyalty to either. If the vote is up for grabs, both sides will try to attract it. If the vote is in the bag, one side will take it for granted and the other will just ignore it.

I hope to disrupt the loons from the GOP from destroying the party if for no other reason than to try to keep the loons from the other side in check. We know Obama has the 2012 nomination for the Dems. As for the other side, its still wide open. And I don’t want to sit back and watch Ron Paul and Sarah Palin drive the GOP into the ditch.