
Saturday Afternoon Music: Antoine Dufour and Tommy Gauthier, 'Mellow Deep Art'

Bagua10/17/2009 5:21:12 pm PDT

re: #172 freetoken

I’ve been trying to get my mind around whatever relationships exist, or are developing, that could explain the recent push in AGW-denier talking points all over the place.

Certainly with the coming Copenhagen conference in December the reason for the timing is clear, but I’m wondering what the driving force is for people and websites not normally concerned with the topics (energy, environment) to be so into the issue.

For a while I thought is was just anti-Gore sentiment… and certainly Al has made a legion of enemies… but the recent blather is less and less anti-Gore and more and more (and I’ve overused this term today but I’ve got no other for now) revanchism.

That is why the premiering movie Not Evil, Just Wrong will have such potency. Those mean and elitist environmentalists are out to do in the hard working people of this country! Or so it is claimed.

I posted an article about this. Opinion polls in the US, UK and AU have shown a shift of opinion among voters on the importance of Climate Change. Coupled with the looming Cap and Trade and similar taxes in other countries, and in the run up to Copenhagen there is a crescendo of attention. Add to that the cool weather as of late and and a we see such things as a sceptic article in the BBC.