
Facts Not a Stumbling Block for Malkin

Walter L. Newton12/16/2009 4:54:11 pm PST

re: #174 Dark_Falcon

The reason I visit that place is to keep an eye on them. Sometimes they plot flounces, hate mail, or nasty pranks over there. It’s a “know your enemy” thing. Most of the stuff there is very nasty, and I’m sometimes the target of it. Its only worth visiting to familiarize yourself with enemy tactics.

“Keep an eye on them?” I still don’t understand the fascination with stalker blogs, these people that leave here, go somewhere, say this or say that. Get over it, they are virtual electronic entities who, in the real scheme of thing, in the real world, they don’t matter one whit.

If you spend 2 minutes even watching their antics somewhere else then guess what, they won.

This is all fun here, it’s interesting to converse with people of different opinions, but at the end of the day, it’s over.

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t give a shit. And no Falcon, I’m not yelling at anyone, you or anyone, I just wonder, every time this comes up, I wonder, that’s all.