
Silver Surfer #1, 'The Origin of the Silver Surfer' (August 1968)

iceweasel4/22/2010 2:37:22 am PDT

Meta- alert:

So American spectator, which is damn wingnutty, has this article about Palin. Being part of the right-wing puke funnel means that naturally it winds up being semi-hagiography— it concludes that Palin really can be president, just needs ‘more time’.

However, this is the interesting part: it’s a hit piece, primarily. Loads of negative info on Palin— a sample:

while supply-side conservatives are rightly thrilled at Palin’s mayoral record as a tax-cutter, fiscal conservatives again have reason for concern: the town’s long-term debt reportedly jumped from $1 million to $25 million.

AGAIN AND AGAIN, Palin hasn’t failed upward, but quit upward: quitting her way through four colleges, quitting the oil commission, quitting as governor after barely more than two years in office.

So here’s the question for the meta: What’s going on here? You’ll see this piece covered all over the place— but what’s being covered and linked to in the rightysphere at this moment isn’t the AS piece, but the Andrew Sullivan piece on it— which lets the wingnutsphere focus on Sully’s continuing Trig-obsession.

So, what’s up with american spectator? These folks feature Buchanan regularly and pretty much made their name pushing wingnutty Clinton-crap— (Ran drugs in Arkansas! Killed Vince Foster! etc) . What’s up with ripping Palin? Hmmmm….