
Note to Rick Perry: Teaching Creationism in Public Schools is Illegal

Killgore Trout8/18/2011 5:04:30 pm PDT

re: #188 lostlakehiker

No he won’t. If he’s nominated, it will be because conservative Republicans smell blood in the water and are playing to win, figuring they can sort out the details later.

Playing to win means moving to the center, where the votes that might go either way are. The center doesn’t want any of those things.

With the exception of Huntsman they’re all running on a Tea Party platform. It’s baffling because the most recent polls show the Tea Party with something like an 80% disapproval rating. Any Republican candidate who even hints at a rational idea or is willing to make compromises will be screwed with the base. You can attract moderate swing voters or you can attract the radical Tea Partiers. You can’t have both.