
Sean Hannity: Did Obama compare himself to Trayvon because "he was part of the choom gang...?"

Mattand7/22/2013 9:28:02 am PDT

re: #174 GunstarGreen

As I and others have said before on several occasions here on LGF, these people cannot be reasoned with. They are not arguing/governing in good faith. They are extremist, religious fanatics that fully and wholly believe that they are engaged in a holy war, one that they must win in order for the US to retain its status as God’s Favorite Country. They refuse to compromise because there can be no compromise against the commands of god. Calling them “The American Taliban” is not a joke, it’s an accurate description. If they had their way, our children would be forced to worship the christian god against their will in public schools and the US government would acknowledge the christian god as its source of law. This is already the case in some parts of the country, notably the deep south — for example, in Georgia it is illegal to purchase alcohol before noon on Sunday (this is an improvement over the previous version, which banned alcohol sales entirely on Sunday). There is absolutely no basis for this law, in any rational capacity, other than adherence to the christian religion.

These people cannot be reasoned with. They cannot be compromised with. They should not be tolerated. Their endgame is to turn this nation into a christian theocracy.

Paraphrasing here, but someone described modern US conservatives on another post as essentially “broken”. I don’t know if that’s how I’d word it. I think “capacity for boundless self-delusion” may be more accurate.

Gunstar pretty much nails it here with the “American Taliban” charge. I had DF threaten to downding me every time I referred to the GOP that way, but the truth hurts. Through either naked cynicism or rabid fanaticism, the current conservative movement is embracing theocracy in a way the would make the Founding Fathers spin in their graves.

Quick aside about the Blue Laws mentioned above: it’s not just the South. Towns in South Jersey that were founded by Quakers (i.e., Haddonfield or Ocean City) still have “God doesn’t want you to do that on Sunday” laws on the books.

The resistance up here to changing these blatantly unconstitutional laws is just as frustrating as what goes on in the South.