
Called It! Wingnuts Intentionally Trying to Overload Healthcare.Gov

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)11/08/2013 10:23:50 am PST

re: #192 Dark_Falcon

Actually, Moore wasn’t being his usual simplistic self in that video and seemed to honestly be trying to work out in his mind why mass shootings happen as often as they do here. I may not agree with whatever answer he ultimately comes up with, but he was honestly trying.

Oh, I wasn’t commenting on what Moore was saying specifically. I am just saying if the best criticism this person has of Moore’s words is FAT UGLY then they’re idiots. I pay Moore no attention usually these days. I find him and his act way too self-righteous and it would be that way if he had actor good lucks and was in top physical shape.