
Fake Wingnut Outrage of the Day: "George Takei Said 'Blackface!'" (Or, Liberals Are the Real Racists, Part 91332)

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)7/02/2015 1:22:13 pm PDT

re: #167 ObserverArt


If John Kasich gets in the running, listen to him. He many times starts of his lines with things like “Let me tell you something” and the like. As if we should be ready to receive the absolute truth and are incapable of noticing it.


The one that gets me going is all the RWNJs who preface their bullshit statements with “The facts are that … “

When the facts are everything but. There should be a giant Chyron that pops up on the screen at this point that says “BULLSHIT ALERT! BULLSHIT ALERT!” and then pops up the relevant charts, bargraphs & historical context that contradicts what they are saying…