
Sanders Supporter Tim Robbins Thinks Exit Polls Prove Hillary Is Stealing the Election

makeitstop4/26/2016 6:35:14 am PDT

Here’s a sample of one friend’s FB wall…

She needs to quit the race, check into jail, and live the rest of her life in disgrace. But… she is the 1% and she is protected from justice. Can she be stopped?
She will stop herself, with all of the scandals and cheating in the open, she is headed for a hard fall and deserves worse, whatever happens.


If any of my friends still think Hillary is ok, just because she is female and the corporate media praises her?

She is a female Dick Cheney.

Please watch this excellent video and you will finally see why she is toxic to democracy and only cares for her fellow 1%ers! Please open you eyes… now!!!


She is an ugly lying and cheating fraud, taking her corporate legal - and some illegal, bribes… thru her “foundation” and her minions are out there every single day, cheating and fixing.

She and the major networks that are still pushing her are fine with stealing the election for the 1%. Resist the BS! Boycott the networks and make corrupt Billary feel the Bern!

I’ve known this guy since high school. Life-long, self-identifying liberal.

Now somebody point out to me how that screed is any different from what you’d find on Free Republic or Breitbart.

And tell me why I have to try harder to understand this point of view.