
Britain Goes Weird: John Oliver on the Rise of Boris Johnson [VIDEO]

Charmingly Persistent7/29/2019 3:59:47 pm PDT

re: #107 Teddy’s Person

So, I’m bummed. I’ve been writing post cards to FL Democrats to encourage them to sign up to vote by mail. I picked this particular endeavor because I love voting by mail. I’m excited when my ballot arrives in the mailbox. I can research issues and candidates in my jammies while drinking a glass of wine. It also ensures that there is a paper trail.

But I just read an article that linked to a ACLU report that found that mailed in ballots were 10 times more likely to be rejected in the 2012 and 2016 general elections. Not sure if I should continue writing postcards for this project (Postcards to Voters has several project going on at any given time).

edited for typo

I can’t tell from the article, but I would still be inclined to encourage vote by mail. My guess is that the number of votes rejected is still way less than the number of people who don’t make it to the polls before they close or are out of town or whatever. Maybe just add they should make sure to sign the ballot?