
Zefrank's True Facts: The Hummingbird Warrior

JC14/18/2022 9:24:36 am PDT

re: #145 No Malarkey!

The GOP literally had to nominate a pedophile for the Democrat to achieve a narrow victory, then he lost to a blithering idiot in the next election because the GOP managed to nominate someone who wasnā€™t a child molester. When giving, we should pick our candidates wisely in Red states. Iā€™ll donate to the Democratic nominee challenging Rand Paul because I live in Kentucky, but I donā€™t have any illusions as to his chances, and I would encourage out-of-state Democrats to donate to candidates who have a better chance of victory.

Yeah, but Greene may even be more toxic than ex-judge pedo. Plus, sheā€™s a woman; thatā€™ll prevent a certain number of GOPers from voting for her.