
A Reply to Power Line's Paul Mirengoff on Geert Wilders

funky chicken7/18/2009 9:11:07 am PDT

re: #15 Eowyn2

The Thug followers of Kali waylaid (usually killing) travelers and stealing from them. They considered this a form of worship to their many armed goddess. Thuggery was outlawed in India per Britain.

If the Hindus in any western country decided to start worshipping Kali in the form of Thuggery, it would be outlawed.
I do not see much difference in killing travelers for a god than killing infidels for a god. As long as there are people willing to use the Koran as an excuse to murder innocents, we will be having this discussion.

The Netherlands can fight this by enacting and prosecuting for murder, rape, intimidation, etc. But will the Netherlands (or England) start to fight back with the laws they have on the books and which they can enact to minimize the influence of the jihadi preachers?

Great post. Unfortunately it seems that the authorities in some areas aren’t willing to protect the infidel population from islamist immigrant violence, assault, rape, and murder. Unless and until European governments are willing to do that, there will be increasing numbers of people who follow Wilders and worse.

I would think Euro countries (and the US for that matter) could take stronger action against Islamist Imams who incite violence in their services. Incitement to violence isn’t free speech or free worship, right?