
Video: Mars Attacks, Or Maybe It Doesn't

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/13/2009 9:27:41 pm PDT

re: #188 swamprat

The problem is, if there is AGW, and we hit a larger thermal peak and then begin to descend, even if the temperatures are higher than they should be, they will be masked, as it were, by the larger trend.
If, on the other hand, we at the mercy of a runaway thermal upswing fueled by CO2, that exponentially will increase unendingly until the world has dramatically flooded and we live Dante’s Humidor;
Well, that is situation that would need desperate attention.
If the information we have been given is true, Global Warming is real.
AGW possibly, also.
This leaves us with the rest.
Will the temps peak out naturally?
Will they skyrocket?
Will they very gradually increase?
Will the changes be detrimental?

As we go forward we will learn more about this. Meanwhile, every fluctuation will be heralded as a proof of each sides preconceived notions.

And as the information accumulates, the gradually losing side will become more and more shrill…

All of those questions are answered in this link…