
National Right to Life Committee Claims Health Bill Would 'Subsidize Abortions' - Bzzzt. False.

Salamantis9/22/2009 9:14:26 pm PDT

I’m gonna go ahead and post two of my love poems, simply because I’m proud of them. In my opinion, they are truly heart-melting - but then again, because they’re mine, I’m biased…;~)

After this, I’ll quit for a while; I promise!

Only Human

If I were Herne the Hunter, or satyr Pan divine
I’d melt through you until our spines
Like serpents met and intertwined
And penetrate you like a dart
Until I held your heaving heart
Caressed your soul and thrilled your mind
And your sweet love forever bind.
But I am only human; the best that I can do
Is give you all the human love it’s in my power to.
I’ll necklace you with kisses till you sprinkle me with sighs
And drink the lava torrents pouring from your searing eyes.
I’ll woo you with an ardor at once steady and intense
And lay my heart between your feet not asking recompense
And watch you as you’re sleeping, smiling your Goddess smile
And thank the Gods you granted me your favor for a while.
For I am only human, no avatar on high –
All I can do is try.

The Topography of Love

Love can’t let go
For true love can’t constrain.
Love can’t condemn
For true love harbors all.
Love can’t withhold
For true love lives to share.
Love can’t complete
For true love overflows.
Love can’t demand
For true love ever gives.

Love is a buffalo blanket
Warm beside a winter campfire
Love is a mellow sun
Beaming on a balmy afternoon.

Love is seeing the perfect Being whom one’s Beloved is
Shining in luminous eyes
And seeing reflected in that beholding
One’s own self transfigured
Into a being more radiant than one might hope to dream.

Love is when two people see each other
More clearly than they see themselves
It is when two souls touch
And revel in the touching.