
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/20/2009 7:18:49 pm PDT

re: #193 Big Steve

I find most of your posts derivative and easily obtained from other sites. And incidentally if you are such a great researcher you would have easily ascertained from previous posts of mine, that I am in the AGW camp.

So then you should know that Watts has been debunked and that real scientists don’t link to him…

What is wrong with you?

As to derivative, well I’m not sure what that means… I am trying in general to explain to a general audience. That’s why I link to the actual papers and such. But again so what. If you want to question me go for it. But challenge the actual papers I am bringing.

This isn’t a popularity contest.

I don’t care if you hate me.

Read the papers.

Look at the debunking of Watts, and them once you see what a fraud Watts is, ask yourself why if AJ is such a good scientist he is promoting him?

Do I need to connect all the dots?